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0 Comments Monday, June 2, 2014 | @ 5:44 PM
Where does that sound familiar from?
Well, back when Sixtoo was putting out Antagonist Survival Kit, the expectations he set up suggested it would be a dub album. Then it dropped and nobody really got it. A diffucult album, especially for those who were used to his previously very organic loop style, it sounded more like choppy half-time electronic hiphop that didn't really sit right.

Its only a few years later, listening to the instrumental mini-album version of Antagonist that I finally got it. Dubstep!
Sixtoo - Fear Of Flying dub
Granted, his aproach to this sound was very hiphop in its excecution - listen to those deep hits of bass as just part of the drum pattern, like an MPC freestyle - but surely this is a slightly-too-fast halfstep tune before Wonder's What was on the horizon... or maybe just about at the same time. And listen to that public anouncement system: sound spreading across large areas, flooding public spaces. Sixtoo hit the dubstep nail on the head.
